3 Beds | 1 Bath | 1400 sqft | Available Now | $2,445 |
$2445 / 3br - 1400ft2 - 3BD 1BA + garage parking. Available immediately for sublease until 8/31/2020, full lease (12+mo) negotiable.
Beautiful 3br/1ba apartment available in the Palmer Square / Logan Square area. Close to both Logan Square and California blue line stops (quick walk or bus ride away) and close enough to enjoy the nightlife and amenities close to the square, but far enough away to be a quite neighborhood living experience. Unit completely rehabbed in 2016, and only one tenant since.
Features include:
- Safe and secure entry gates surrounding the building with an in-unit intercom to allow guests or package delivery entrance
- hardwood floors throughout
- huge open living space with tons of light
- good size bedrooms
- updated kitchen including stainless appliances, dishwasher
- in-unit full washer and dryer
- central heat and air conditioning
- back patio/balcony!
- garage spot is included in the detached garage in the back, great for additional storage if you have a compact car
- A large back yard space to share with the other tenants of the building
- Cats and dogs are allowed with a deposit
Tour the outside here: https://www.google.com/maps/@41.9210472,-87.7101855,3a,75y,5.48h,83.02t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sozFEChEcdTaLPlW6JR-zSw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192